Tuesday, September 14, 2010

September 14, 2010

Okay, the last several days I have been dealing with a Fibro flare-up.  I am hoping it goes away soon.  Dr. refilled my pain med (Stadol nose spray...works fast and good but leaves a HORRIBLE taste in the back of my throat!!! GROSS!!  Anyway, I am needing to finish writing a few things, but I will wait until I am feeling better :)
That's all for today. 

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Evening of September 9, 2010

Had to cancel my dr. appt today.  I could not hardly move about today.  In the evening I went to our kids' open house at their school and put on the brave face...the "I'm fine" face.  Now I am hurting all over.  Tomorrow is going to be a rest day I think!  Oh, well...this is what happens with my flare-ups.  It will pass soon.  Got to finish writing a query letter to publishing companies.  I can write fiction all day long, but writing a cover letter or a query letter is a whole different thing and it is VERY hard for me to compose.  I am sure I will get it right eventually. 
:) *soft hugs to all*

September 9, 2010

Okay, today is not a good day.  For the last week or so I have had a Fibro flare up.  Not sure if it is stress or what.  It feels like I have been run over by a car again and again and again.  It hurts to walk, sit, lay down...even breathe (ok, not breathing but you get my point).  I am going to see a Rhumetologist Monday and a Chronic Pain Specialist on Wednesday.  I am hoping they can devise a pain management plan that actually works!  The argument with hubby yesterday doesn't help either.  He is feeling the stress of not having a job that pays all the bills, having to be the only driver...etc.  My health issues are taking its toll on him and it is becoming evident to all of us.  He does the best he can, but feels like it is not enough and the fact that he can do nothing to help me (physically)...the feeling of being helpless...is really getting to him.  Then I have to see the Gastroenterologist next Thursday to find out why my ALP level is almost 250 (not good).  I am scarred to death about what he will tell me.  I force myself to get out of bed everyday.  I make the beds, clean house...etc so that I do not just crawl into bed and stay there (which is what I want to do).  That is not healthy at all, to just lay there day after day...depression will set in and I refuse to let that happen.  But it is just hard because I hurt so bad all the time.

Well, I need to get back to my writing...that is my outlet.  I can step out of my world into a world of fantasy where I am not disabled and can accomplish anything without pain.  :)  I think all chronic pain sufferers need an outlet like that. 

Will write again later on.  :)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Just saying hello!

Just wanted to leave a quick hello and what this blog is about.  I live with severe Fibromyalgia, CFS, and muscle and ligament disorder which as rendered me disabled.  This blog is to vent feelings,how I feel physically on a day to day basis, and emotions that come with chronic pain.  Feel free to leave comments if you or someone you know suffer from chronic pain.  Emotional support is the key to effectively dealing with the emotional/mental/spiritual/physical stresses that chronic pain deals out to the one with the disorder/disease as well as their families and friends.  I hope to develop a safe and loving environment for all who personally deal with these issues or if it is someone you know.

*soft hugs*